New Features and Improvements - July 2024

Tim Cowell
7 August 2024
3 min Read
Tim Cowell
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This month the engineering team have been busy updating our backend processing and data storage, as well as a number of improvements to your FractalScan experience. Read on to find out more.

System improvements - weekend maintenance

You may have noticed that we scheduled a period of maintenance for FractalScan over the weekend of the 20-21 July. This was to enable us to update our system and make some changes in how we processes and store FractalScan data. The updates have resulted in some immediate improvements to scan times as well as overall performance benefits in the app.

The changes also puts us in a strong position to leverage other performance and resilience benefits going forward, this fits with our approach to continuously make FractalScan better for users and ensure we keep up with demand.

The update went smoothly, and we thank you for your patience if this affected you in anyway, but ultimately our scheduling meant that none of our continuous scanning was impacted by the update.

This is a more visible example of an update we’ve made to FractalScan, but in reality, every month we’re optimising how the system operates to bring you (and us) improvements.

Updated scan changes email

If you have scans running continuously in FractalScan and there are significant risk changes you will already receive an email informing you of those changes, if configured. We’ve made an update to this email making it even easier to see these changes.

The changes email now includes a summary of newly discovered risks, enabling you to see detail on the higher severity risks in the email body.

Image of email showing scan changes

We’ve also improved the link to FractalScan, which will now take you to a filtered view on the Changes page, showing the changes listed in the email. This means that if you are informed of a new high severity risk, the link will take you straight to a view showing that risk, allowing you to quickly investigate.

Image of a changes page filter

If you still want to see all the result changes in for a scan iteration, you can simply select to remove the filter.

Explore page risk navigation

We’re always looking for ways to help users navigate FractalScan results and help you understand the impact of risks or other changes. Each risk in FractalScan has its own explore page, e.g. an explore page for a CVE detailing the vulnerability, and what is impacted (provenance).

The explore page for an nginx CVE

We’ve improved the navigation from the explore page to impacted actions. The ‘Go to Actions’ button at the top of a risk’s explore page will now take you to the actions page, which will be filtered for all the actions impacted by this risk. e.g. if a CVE impacts multiple versions of nginx, you’ll see all the actions relating to domains and IPs for which the CVE might be a risk.

Actions page filtered for multiple actions

Telnet wording

Finally we’ve made a subtle change to the risk wording for vulnerable ports, which gives us an opportunity to highlight a factor in the discovery of at-risks ports. Previously the actions and risk wording for a Telnet risk would suggest that the port found is always Telnet’s default port, which is port 23.

In fact, FractalScan has the ability to discover Telnet (or other at risk protocols) on non-default ports, e.g. port 2323 in the example below, and we have updating the wording accordingly.

The explore page for telnet on different ports

Coming soon

  • Increased visibility and control over Apache risks, which may have been resolved by backports.
  • A new API endpoint for risk data, allowing you to extract all risks data for your own processing.
About Tim Cowell
Tim is an experienced software engineer, who has worked across the Defence, Government and Commercial sectors for the past 21 years. After leading a diverse range of projects Tim has a strong background in Cyber Security, software engineering, research and development practices.
Tim Cowell


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