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Cyber vulnerability assessment for your business

Boost your business' cyber security & identify risks with ease using FractalScan's comprehensive external vulnerability assessment tool.
Get a free vulnerability scan report:
Must be a valid email address at your company's own domain
*A scan of your email domain will be sent to you as a PDF report

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Trusted by:

IONOS logo Haas Automation Inc. logo Which? Consumers' Association logo Emerge Digital logo University of Gibraltar logo DIGI2AL logo Gallos logo

Assess your business' vulnerabilities before hackers do

With thousands of companies facing cyber attacks, protecting your organisation is crucial. Our external vulnerability assessment will enable your business to stay safe and secure by uncovering potential weak points.

Don't wait - act now and safeguard your business from threats.

About our vulnerability assessment tool

Built by our cyber security experts, FractalScan Surface is a vulnerability assessment tool designed to conduct comprehensive evaluations of your online infrastructure, identifying vulnerabilities. Our platform runs thorough scans of all your online assets and generates an in-depth report highlighting your potential risks and actionable guidance for remediation, allowing you to resolve any weaknesses before hackers exploit them.

Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to use, with automated alerts and reporting functions, making it the ideal tool for organisations of any size, from SMEs to large enterprises.

Asset discovery
Vulnerability scannning
Results & Risk Prioritisation
Continuous monitoring

Make your business cyber secure with FractalScan’s external vulnerability assessment

Get a free vulnerability scan report:
Must be a valid email address at your company's own domain
*A scan of your email domain will be sent to you as a PDF report

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What is a vulnerability assessment?

A vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying, quantifying, and prioritising vulnerabilities in an organisation's network, systems, applications, and infrastructure.

This assessment helps businesses to understand their security posture and evaluate the potential impact of a security breach.

A vulnerability assessment can be done manually or with automated tools, such as vulnerability scanners or penetration testing.

The primary goals of a vulnerability assessment are to:

  1. Identify vulnerabilities that may expose the business to cyber threats or data breaches.
  2. Evaluate the severity and potential impact of each vulnerability on the organisation.
  3. Prioritise vulnerabilities for remediation based on risk and criticality.

Don’t wait to get hacked! Protect your business with FractalScan’s external vulnerability assessment tool.

Get a free vulnerability scan report:
Must be a valid email address at your company's own domain
*A scan of your email domain will be sent to you as a PDF report

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What our customers say:

Ken Shannon
IT Security Manager
Haas Automation Inc.
"An impressive tool that we use to monitor our external cyber risks and those of our dealers worldwide.
We've even used it to perform due diligence security checks on third-party suppliers."
Tom Henson
Emerge Digital
"FractalScan Surface has equipped our team with vital knowledge of our customers' online assets.
Clients using the platform have also commented on its ease of use and superiority over other systems."
Formula 1 Team
"FractalScan Surface has been great for discovering our online-visible assets and exposures, allowing us to make some immediate improvements to reduce our cyber risk.
Daily scanning enables us to keep on top of our external attack surface."
Robin Craib
Staff Information Security
"FractalScan Surface's capability to mark domains hosted on shared cloud services gives us the ability to remove risks associated with IP addresses which are not part of our infrastructure, allowing us to focus our resources."