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Manage your online vunerabilities with FractalScan Surface

Identify your business' vulnerabilities before hackers do with our vulnerability management tool. Minimise your attack surface and protect your business from any potential cyber threats.
Get a free scan report:

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*A scan of your email domain will be sent to you as a PDF report

Trusted by:

IONOS logo Haas Automation Inc. logo Which? Consumers' Association logo Emerge Digital logo University of Gibraltar logo DIGI2AL logo Gallos logo

Understanding the power of vulnerability management tools

A vulnerability management tool is a software solution that aids businesses in identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities in their systems, applications and networks.

FractalScan Surface uses advanced scanning to spot weaknesses and potential entry points for cyber attacks. It then provides detailed insights and remediation advice about the risks, along with passive monitoring to ensure that any new vulnerabilities are discovered and alerted on.

We understand the importance of vulnerability management for your business’ safety and success, that’s why we offer a free account for all businesses to get started. [Create a free account.]( today to start securing your business’ future.

About our vulnerability management tool

FractalScan is an advanced attack surface management platform that offers comprehensive security solutions for businesses. With its technology built by cyber security experts and extensive passive scanning capabilities, FractalScan allows businesses to identify potential threats quickly and accurately.

Our platform is designed to help you:

Discover vulnerabilities

Discover & identify potential vulnerabilities across all your online assets

Prioritise your risks

Prioritise vulnerabilities by risk and severity level using our comprehensive risk scoring system

Track and manage your fixes

Track remediation progess and streamline your overall vulnerability management process

Manage vulnerabilties within your business. Get a free FractalScan vulnerabilty report today.

Get your free scan report:

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*A scan of your email domain will be sent to you as a PDF report
Discovery stats dashboard on FractalScan

The benefits of using a vulnerability management tool

A vulnerability management tool is a powerful security testing tool to keep your online platform safe and secure. This technology is used to search for and detect potential vulnerabilities within your website's coding, server configurations and applications that may expose you to cyber threats such as hacking, data breaches, or malware infections.

Email configuration
Vulnerable components
Website configuration

Don’t wait until it’s too late – get started with FractalScan’s vulnerability management tool today.

Get your free scan report:

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*A scan of your email domain will be sent to you as a PDF report

What our customers say:

Ken Shannon
IT Security Manager
Haas Automation Inc.
"An impressive tool that we use to monitor our external cyber risks and those of our dealers worldwide.
We've even used it to perform due diligence security checks on third-party suppliers."
Tom Henson
Emerge Digital
"FractalScan Surface has equipped our team with vital knowledge of our customers' online assets.
Clients using the platform have also commented on its ease of use and superiority over other systems."
Formula 1 Team
"FractalScan Surface has been great for discovering our online-visible assets and exposures, allowing us to make some immediate improvements to reduce our cyber risk.
Daily scanning enables us to keep on top of our external attack surface."
Robin Craib
Staff Information Security
"FractalScan Surface's capability to mark domains hosted on shared cloud services gives us the ability to remove risks associated with IP addresses which are not part of our infrastructure, allowing us to focus our resources."